* Bryan Garsten, The Liberalism of Refuge
* Daniel Novotny, Prolegomena to a Study of Beings of Reason in Post-Suarezian Scholasticism 1600-1650 (PDF) and Scholastic Debates about Beings of Reason and Contemporary Analytical Metaphysics (PDF)
* George H. Nash, John Witherspoon: Educating for Liberty, at the Acton Institute
* Nira Arapovic, Aristotle's Hylomorphism and the Mind-Body Problem (PDF)
* Edward Feser, Boundaries of Belief, reviews Guy Mansini's The Development of Doctrine, at "First Things"
* Colin Marshall, Schopenhauer on the Futility of Suicide (PDF)
* Jess Cockerill, Expired Cans of Salmon from Decades Ago Reveal a Big Surprise, at "ScienceAlert", on an interesting way of researching changes of marine ecology.
* Renato Costa, Law and Reality: A Dialogue Between Herman Dooyeweerd and John Finnis (PDF)
* Richard Y. Chappell, Three Recent Papers I Liked, at "Good Thoughts"
* Parisa Moosavi, The Function Argument for Ascribing Interests (PDF)
* John Carlos Baez, Protonium, at "Azimuth". Protonium is a rare occurrence when a proton and and antiproton orbit each other.
* Karin De Boer, Kant's Transcendental Turn to the Object (PDF)
* Gregory Thompson, Hinges and a Lock: Hospitality in a World of Predators, at "Comment"
* Yvonne Chiu, Seven military classics: martial victory through good governance (PDF)
* Nathaniel Scharping, What Does the History of Natural History Museums Look Like?, at Discovery
* Elliot Polsky, The Modern Semantic Principles Behind Gilson's Existential Interpretation of Aquinas (Part 1) (PDF) and The Modern Semantic Principles Behind Gilson's Existential Interpretation of Aquinas (Part 2) (PDF)