Friday, May 10, 2024

Dashed Off XI

 resemblance, contiguity, and causation as elements of design (cp. Morehead)

It is almost always the worst people who spend time dwelling in detail on the sins of others.

Metaphors are possible due to our ability and need to think of one thing on the model of another, so that the term 'metaphor' is sometimes used for the latter.

When Nietzsche says that truth is a "mobile army of emtaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms", it is natural to focus on the depreciation of truth, but Nietzsche is primarily intending the exaltation of metaphors, metonymies, and anthropomorphisms as the coin of thought, with truth as their residual trace when their nature is forgotten, the bones of departed metaphors.

"Literal meaning" and "literal truth" are both figures of speech.

The universe itself transcends human understanding because there is so much to its intelligibility. This is the reason for the temptation to pantheism, for in this the universe is like God.

Here in the region of dissimilitude, our understanding of ourselves is always imperfect and defective.

To be done in a Christian way, physical and spiritual almsdeeds must be done as expressions of or as symbols of Christian truth and salvation.

Missionary work seems often like a capacitor; it must 'build up' and then 'leap across'.

It is a mistake to confuse reserve with insincerity.

spinning coin analogy for quantum phenomena

"There is no Appetite in human Nature more prevalent, nor more universal, than that for Honour and Respect. And the Pleasure arising from it is of the most refined Kind; Honour and Respect being by Nature, a voluntary Tribute paid to intrinsic Merit. Hence it is, that no other Passion is more friendly to Virtue. But tho' all Men are fond of Respect, the Bulk of Mankind, unable or unwilling to purchase it at such a Price as that of real Merit, endeavour to secure it to themselves at a cheaper Rate." Henry Home

In everything human beings desire naturally, they seek an order and system, and where they do not find one naturally or even not sufficiently consistent to their need and taste, they create an artificial order an system.

honors annexed to office, estate, family, person

(1) What ceases to exist does so either from a destructive cause or the removal of a sustaining cause.
(2) What is influenced receives the act of what influences.
(3) What coheres does not cease to cohere save by a difference of causes.

In narratives, we fit people to story-roles, and these story-roles are sometimes inherited and sometimes formed within the story.

When scripture speaks of God's knowledge of the heart, it often uses the concept of testing, which is not a passive reception but a kind of making. (For instance, Dt. 8:2, 2 Chr 32:31.)

unction & undischarged obligations to God

In Philemon 8-9, Paul identifies three grounds for his appeal on the basis of love: that he is Paul, that he is an elder, and that he is a prisoner for Christ Jesus.

The fugitive slave interpretation of Philemon first clearly arises in Chrysostom's argument against the view that the letter is on a trifling matter.

slavery as natal alienation and human natality

As the rude mechanicals in A Midsummer Night's Dream represent the subreal theatrical, the fairies represent the superreal theatrical: the artificial and the fay, between which is found the natural theatrical of romance, and all going awry as theatricals do.
-- We are the audience for the fairies, who are the audience for the gentles, who are the audience for the mechanicals, all within one play.

In politics as in other things, it is the dose that makes the poison.

Cowering in a bunker will not actually make you feel safe.

Fewer communities, fewer rights.

'Impossible worlds' are possible logical objects; what makes such logical objects 'impossible' is their being associated with truth-valued propositions of a kind, just as the case with 'possible worlds', not their being logical objects. What motivates distinguishing possible and impossible worlds is aligning existential quantifier and possibility operator for purposes of modeling one on the other.

If one models worlds as sets of propositions, one can model propositions as sets of worlds -- the latter takes individual propositions to have meaning within systems of propositions.

Almost all puzzles and paradoxes about possible worlds can be resolved simply by recognizing that possible worlds are not possibilities but beings of reason we use in models of them.

goodness : final cause :: truth : objective cause :: beauty : exemplar cause

incipit/desinit : immutability :: proper part : simplicity :: before/after : atemporality :: boundary : nonlocality

commission to The Adam // Great Commission

What is contingent is necessarily compossible with what is necessary.

What is adiaphoric is necessarily compossible with what is obligatory.

Designed objects often involve relative coincidences, i.e., things that are coincidental, if you focus only on the power of the parts.

"Wherever a relation such as that of *signifying* holds, tehre is a basis for reasoning." Stebbing
"... *to signify* requires (1) what is signified, (2) the signifying sign, (3) the interpreter of the sign as signifying."
"It is impossible to think without using signs, for to think is to go beyond what is sensibly presented."

The only reason we take 'energy' to refer to one thing (have uniqueness of reference) is our belief in the conservation of energy.

The use of metaphor is no more or less 'emotive' than the use of literal language.

While facts are neither true nor false, purported facts may be.

Where bivalence fails is in conditional truth values, truth values as inferred from something (as when I proposition's being true make E false, but leaves O undetermined).

Possible worlds are not merely possible objects, but actual (logical) objects representing the merely possible.

relevant logic as a logic of information flow

Systems that are highly unified are represented as if they were substances, on the model of substances.

The change in the changed is the act of the changer.

creation as the sphere of influence, jurisdiction, and templum of God

sacred proper
sacred by contiguity to sacred
sacred by resemblance to sacred
sacred as effect of sacred

Logicism, formalism, and intuitionism each have portions of mathematics to which they apply well.

the history of philosophy as the phenomenology of bounded ideality

"The sacred is always manifested through something...the sacred expresses itself through soemthing other than itself...." Eliade

"The works of human art are imitations of those of divine art." Aitareya Brahmana 6.27

Phenomenology of religion often weakens itself by not actually looking at religion or religion's objects but at subjective effects of them; it tends to be a phenomenology of religious penumbra.

the readiness to appear-through

the phenomenological method of free variation as a study of the possible and the necessary

exemplary prophecy vs emissary prophecy (Weber)

"A causal uniformity is an abstraction since it connects sets of recurrent characteristics belonging to events which do not recur." Stebbing
"Every hypothesis springs from the union of knowledge and sagacity."
"Measurement is the process of manipulating objects in order to assign ratios to represent some property of these objects."
"The result of the operation of measuring is, then, expressed as a ratio of the measuring object to the measuring appliance, and hence, ultimately to the standard unit."

Constant conjunction is not a causal relation but an effect.

principative and ministrative modes of virtue

"Prudence and politics are the same virtue, but they have different being." Aristotle NE 6.8, 1141b25

"The efforts of the poetic fancy to represent to itself the nature and development of things divine and human precede, excite to, and prepare the way for philosophical inquiry." Ueberweg

The ultimate state of involuntary servitude is to have to die for someone else's convenience.

Every law has to be interpreted (a) in light of reason (b) in light of the good of the community (c) in light of the originating intent (d) in light of the manner in which it formally becomes law. To ignore any of these four is to distort the law.

Constant conjunction, as an effect, requires a cause, and it is not possible to interpret constant conjunction as a causal relation without implicitly taking the cause to be in the antecedent; without such an assumption, nothing about constant conjunction even looks like a cause-and-effect squence.

"A demand for justification is normally taken to imply a *discrepancy with some acceptable standard*. And a satisfactory justification is one which neutralizes the apparent discrepancy by showing it to be consistent with or deducible from, the relevant standard." Max Black

Part of our certainty in deduction is inductive; the logical forms do not change on us.

We can deductively prove the viability of induction for simple cases of simple enumeration: There are three things, A, B, C; A is X, B is X, C is X; therefore all of these are X.

When Newton speaks of evanescent quantites, he literally means they are in the process of vanishing. Newton's unique contribution -- and it is unique, because mathematicians did not follow him in this in developing the calculus -- was to think of mathematical objects as kinds of motion. Lines were literally motions of points, limits were literally final motions, and so on.

Rites may be treated as words, and words as rites.

propositional vs. predicate incipit and desinit