Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Each Will Hear with Wonder, Pondering

by Henry Ignatius Dudley Ryder 

What is life? A silent river,
 On whose glassy side
 Swarms of changeful shadows quiver,
 None may long abide. 

 Light and shade are blending ever
 'Neath our vessel's prow,
 Life is one, nor can we sever
 What is past from now. 

 Every soul is onward gliding
 On its own swift stream,
 Of the fate our friends betiding
 We can only dream. 

 In the dark and silent mountain
 Every stream had birth,
 And the secret of its fountain
 Is not known on earth, 

 But the stream that sad and single
 Weaves its mystery,
 With its kindred streams shall mingle
 In the pathless sea. 

 There its brother's secret wandering
 Through this earthly vale,
 Each will hear with wonder, pondering
On the gracious tale.