Friday, August 02, 2024

Dashed Off XVII

 "For intelligent, moral natures 'glory' means the manifestation of power, wisdom, and goodness in the unity of divine operation." Rosmini
"Glory is simply the applause that intelligence gives to an intelligence."
"The divine glory that penetrates and shines throughout the universe is of two kinds: substantial, which is the glory God gives to himself, and accidental, which intelligent beings created by God give to their creator."
"Every new moral good gained increases the capital with which we are trading. Consequently, the trading is always renewed in proportion to the increased capital, and returns what business people call *compound interest*."

to think about: assigning probabilities requires determining the relevant ensemble, which requires determining the final cause

"He descended in the soul, rose in the flesh, and ascended in both." IV Lateran

"The body is our general medium for having a world." Merleau-Ponty

investigative, critical, judicial, coactive, and hortative modes of conscience

Conscience is experienced as a participation in a higher order.

Our moral approval and disapproval always has a direction toward something much greater than ourselves.

Worship allows one to be part of the glory of God.

multiplayer game worlds as structured in interrelations constituting social entities

the relational as capable of simulating the substantial

the sorrow that blossoms into truth
the silence that leaves room for insight

As time goes on, things will mostly end up in the states that are most available. This is obvious, but also a fundamental principle of planning people often forget.

why there is evil vs. why it is not intolerable that there is evil

musical reasoning as analogical reasoning

Empathy is less a feeling than a mode of feeling.

Laws and legal systems always have to deal with the distinction between 'on file' and 'not on file' statuses.

Searle's constitutive rules are principles of artificial classification for practical rather than theoretical purposes and for social use rather than individual use.

Institutional facts get their deontic and normative character from being means to shared value as an end.

When we constitute instititional facts, we build dispositions within dispositions.

In 'X counts as Y in context C', 'counts as' is capable of meaning some very different things.

Understanding can only combine with erudition by in some sense setting the erudition aside.

The first beginning of the institution of each major sacrament is creation.

At least some ancient synagogues seem to have had a literal seat that was "the seat of Moses"; this appears to be mentioned in passing in Pes. D'Rav Kahana 1:7, where Rev Aaha compares the throne of Solomon to "the chair of Moses". There are stone chairs in synagogues that archeologists have speculatively classified as these chairs.

Consecration of churches derives from the Eucharist; the earliest forms are mostly just particular celebrations of the Eucharist; transfer of relics, lustrations, and unctions were added as time went on; all three subserve the Eucharist. (See Bouyer, Rite and Man.)

'X counts as Y'
as instance, as proxy, as mark, as parallel/analogue

"There never was a state but was committed to acts and maxims which it is its crime to maintain, and its ruin to abandon." Newman

the state as self-instrumentality of the civil society

Reform without the necessary preparation is often the beginning of corruption.

Scripture as operating in the Church like a conscience

Pace Searle, it makes complete sense to say that the function of colds is to spread cold germs; this is a function imposed on  us by cold germs.

the epistemological priority of institutional facts over physical facts

adversarial vs cooperative imposition of functions

The structure of institutional facts is a structure of authority in both disposition and act.

Deontic powers are not used merely to regulate relations between people; we also use them to regulate ourselves.

judicial notice & 'X counts as X in context of the court'

the office as an externalization of a household function

Every intention is a potential we-intention.

Law of Nature : Diamond :: End in Itself : Null :: Kingdom of Ends : Box

good taste as the balance between nature and freedom

charm (attractiveness), fit (fitness), and duty (rightness) in action
charm : Diamond :: fit : Null :: duty : Box

the properly dubitable
(1) lack of evidentness in itself
(2) lack of evidentness in means of proof
(3) lack of evidentness in intellectual grasp

Abstraction is how one arrives at something into which to inquire in order to know.

The doctrine of the Trinity is what you get when you treat salvation history not merely as a record of things done but as God revealing His very self.

composition, mutability, and spatiotemporal limitations (measurability) as three things that restrict presence

introspection as always a kind of knowledge-that

consent to inevitability as overlap of nature and will

mimesis of divine nature in virtue (morally) and mimesis of divine nature in rites (symbolically)

the importance of maintaining a balance in objective causation -- it is easy for a push one way to overextend by a sort of momentum or 'galley effect'
==> this is why much effective communication and explanation involves 'this but not that' structure

direct objective causation vs indirect objective causation by analogy

the supernatural vs the exalted natural

ceremonial rites as artificial methods for creating habitudes
--> note that there are natural rites

Leadership works by sign that specifies, by speech that makes common, by sympathetic connection that reinforces.

Drugs do not usually have very specific and consistent effects, so in cases in which we need them to do very specific things as consistently as possible, as in medicine, we have to take into account that they will often fail in either specificity or consistency or both.

Children are what make one ready to be a parent.

Genuine humility comes out of a royal, priestly, or prophetic position.

Some actions are just the kinds of actions that are joint actions; we cannot intend to do them any way but jointly.

Norse myth does not have a strong tendency to personification of nature; gods and giants have natural associations, but even very distinctive gods, like Odin and Thor, don't personify natural phenomena, but merely have authority and power with natural associations in story.

plural subjects as built up by quasi-readiness (cp. Gilbert)
--> the willingness to be ready to act together

care for the soul
(1) within the cosmos
(2) within the polis
(3) within the psyche

Christ "does the things of a slave in a lordly manner, that is, He does the things of the flesh as God" (Maximus, Amb. 4).

Hero-cults seem to generate enthusiasm (and thus easily diffuse) while ancestor-cults seem to generate stability (but are thus slow to diffuse). Hero-cults can spread quickly and spontaneously, but spread of ancestor-cults is quickest when induced by educational systems.

For something actually to be 'health care' or 'medical care', it has to be appropriate technically, legally, and morally.

Great friendships are often built out of small favors.

Every scientific theory is concerned with possibilia, and developing a theory from experiment presupposes True Implies Diamond.

Scientific inquiry is by its nature a discipline of patience.

Weak force interactions require extremely unusual mass (0.001 GeV) -- thus 'weak' is not strength of force in a given interaction but its rareness and thus lack of cumulative effect. --> Only the weak force changes particle identities in its decay.

Gresham's Law arises when there is a practical split between the monetary function, medium exchange, and the  monetary function, store of value. (Guala)

The modern diplomatic system largely works by states allowing other states to establish 'licensed' (credentialed) intelligence and espionage systems in their jurisdiction, in exchange for the other state doing the same and for diplomatic concession and consideration.

Nobody has a clear idea how their ideal society would work. Therefore we have politics.

Every ongoing society has its own form of traditionalism.

space as compossibility with respect to boundaries

Legal permissions are not absences; they are formed.

Socrates : logos :: Glaucon : virtuous thymos :: Adeimantus : virtuous desire
-- Glaucon as "most brave in all things"
-- note that Adeimantus is particularly worried about the happiness of guardians.