Friday, August 09, 2024

Dashed Off XVIII

 rational relations as relations qua objects

Abusive behavior is generally a perversion of deontic relations: someone you owe using the debt to harm you.

To say that the Church is eucharistic is to say that it is Christian; the claim is just transposed to another key. Likewise, to say that the Eucharistic sacrifice is the fount and apex of the whole Christian life is just to say that Christ is, using the terminology of sacramental theology.

The bishop is related to the Eucharist in a higher way than the priest not in having a greater power directly to consecrate, but in having a power to consecrate indirectly , by ordaining priests who then consecrate in union with the bishop. Thus the priest celebrates for and with the bishop. (Cp. Ignatius, Smyrn. 8)

the episcopacy is an order as a ministerial office, as a state of perfection, as a dignity

The laity have a moral and religious responsibility to respect, and to show respect to the priestly and episcopal offices, but the manner of this is a matter for the laity to determine, according to reason and their own custom; the priest or bishop only has a say in the form of a sort of veto power on anything inconsistent with faith or morals.

To say that the priest celebrates for and with the bishop, or the bishop through and with the priest, is not to say that in each Mass there are two acts, the presbyteral and the episcopal, but that there is one act, performed by the priest as proximate secondary cause and by the bishop as remote principal cause. The one celebration is imputable to the priest as priest and to the bishop as bishop.

The characters of baptism, confirmation, and order are of the same object considered in different mode; those of deacon, priest, and bishop are different grades but have the same object considered in the same mode.

Trinitarian procession as direction consubstantiality

From love may flow never-ending poetry and conversation, but love itself lives in a silence beyond words.

You can't defeat Mammon with Mammon or Moloch with Moloch or Astarte with Astarte. This is obvious but nobody ever remembers it.

All meaningful choices lead to obligations we did not directly choose.

"Grace is the perfection of nature not only in as far as it equips nature but also in as far as it both reforms and elevates it. But in reforming and elevating it, grace does not destroy nature itself nor any part thereof, but only the defects surrounding the nature." Bonaventure

baptism : robe of the justice from God :: confirmation : diadem of the glory of the everlasting

While people often choose pleasure over pain, they also sometimes choose pain over numbness.

aspects of human resilience: good humor, consideration for others, productive work, reasonable expectation, refusal to dwell on the negative

legal doublets as allowing two terms to reflect on each other (they also often mark the terms as specifically legal in force, not colloquial or casual)

'State capacity' is not a unified thing because state agency is not a unified thing.

Use has a particular normativity to it that mention lacks.

'must order to...' as a mark of the normative

Truth is normative for inference.

All imperatives by their nature are consequent to something; it is inherent in their being imperatives at all.

If "If X, Y" constructions in English, X is pretty much always an assertion (the only exceptions seem deliberately nonstandard), but Y may be an assertion, command, or question.

"The topic of philosophy is normativity in all its guises, and inference in all its forms." Brandom

In the long run, centralization always has the advantage of convenience and only has the disadvantage of strangling to death whatever is centralized.

The object-language/meta-language distinction is constructed to address particular problems, and idealizes rather than directly captures certain interactions of language with itself. Natural languages do not fragment this way; it's just that they can involve object-functionalities and meta-functionalities in a way that allows artificial modeling with this distinction.

Common consent requires a cause as common as it is.

There are always currents of madness flowing through a democracy, just by the nature of democracy.

"The Person has in his very nature all the constituents of Law; He is subsisting Law, and the essence of Law." Rosmini

human final end --> human dignity

Possible worlds do not explain possibility but model it. Possibility is explained by actuality.

Power, wisdom, and goodness all converge at the limit.

rhyme as "the symmetrical repetition of similarity" (Schlegel)

"Beautiful is what is at once charming and sublime." Schlegel
"A classification is a definition that contains a system of definitions."
"...genius is actually a system of talents."
"Caricature is a passive conjunction of the naive and the grotesque."
"Only in relation to the infintie is there meaning and purpose; whatever lacks such a relation is absolutely meaningless and pointless."
"The mind understands something only insofar as it absorbs it like a seed into itself, nurtures it, and lets it grow into blossome and fruit."
"Virtue is reason transformed into energy."
"The symmetry and organization of history teach us that mankind, for as long as it existed and developed, as really always been and has always become an individual, a person. In the great person of mankind, God became man." 
"Honor is the mysticism of justice."

Searle's five puzzles of institutional fact: self-referential, linguistic, performative, systematic, anchored by the physical

Final causes ground norms, not vice versa.

final causes, collective intentionality, classification

Human beings are both natural and artificial.

teleologically cohesive collections considered as a whole & probabilistic co-action of parts

copied kinds (Crawford Elder)
(1) characterized by a particular qualitative 'shape' (i.e., shape or reproduced behavior)
(2) characterized by proper function
(3) characterized by historically proper placement

the abstract etiology or physiology of artifactual function

function in a population-system vs function in a body-system

domesticated animals as biological artifacts (Sperber)

Cork trees clearly do have the function of producing bark for stoppers -- in an economic system in which stoppers are made and sold. Rain does have the function of helping crops grow -- in an agricultural system.

function as telos in a system

'Physical stance', 'design stance', and 'intentional stance' all have overlaps, and they all are capable of serving as analogies for each other.

Poetry shows that language is not purely semiotic, but is also artifactual, and has an element of free play, as well.

'waste' as a function-relative classification

fallacies of diagrammatic reasoning
-- appeal to accidental feature
-- -- -- ignoratio elenchi
-- -- -- smuggled assumption
-- inconsistent interpretation
-- incomplete diagram

Aristotelian syllogistic is simultaneously verbal and diagrammatic.

Diagrams are especially useful in eliminative reasoning.

Peirce's existential graphs (graph rule correspondence to inference rule)
(1) double cut -- double negation
(2) erasure -- strengthening antecedent
(3) insertion -- weakening consequent
(4) iteration -- (A --> B) --> (A --> (A&B))
(5) deiteration -- (A -->  (A & B)) --> (A --> B)

Often when consent is brought into moral questions there is an ambiguity between initial consent and ongoing consent; there is also often a confusion between consent and assent.

Ancient Hebrew poetry's idea-parallelism makes it unusually effective for didactic purposes.

several subjects acting as
(1) separate subjects
(2) cooperating subjects
(3) quasi-one (simulating single subject)
(4) unified subject

Some features of Kant's account of sublimity depend crucially on his assumption that all experience is sensory.

We have a moral obligation to regard ourselves as continuing through time,a s we see with promises and obligations requiring work.

one event being *about* another event as an important element in historical studies

"A mechanism is an arrangement of parts taht produces a more complex set of effects in a whole system in a regular way." Godfrey-Smith

"The totality of the gifts of the Spirit is only in the totality of believers." Moehler

"A Church that would stifle law would not become the Church of Charity but a church of capriciousness." Boyer

the Church as moral Incarnation extending Christ's ontic Incarnation

Rhetoric, like tailoring and drawing, achieves its effects by layering.

Human dignity is an inherently semiotic dignity; it is referential of things higher and things yet to come.

human dignity as both reflection of and disposition for God

General education does not reduce irrationality in society; it makes a society's irrationalities more wordy.

erotic love & the feeling of representing the whole human race

"Any true republic is an can only be a system of representing the people in order to protect its rights in its name, by all the citizens acting through their delegates." Kant

'ability' and 'aptitude' as value names

the library as symbol of the importance of ideas
the library as an instrumental reserve for entertainment and learning

ren, spring, east, wood
yi, autum, west, metal
li, summer, south, fire
shi, winter, north, water
xin, all together, earth

moral authority (te) as the power to achieve (te)

Selectivity is as important for understanding the mind as intentionality.

(1) Possibility has structure.
(2) It has this structure relative to actualities.