Thursday, August 22, 2024

Links of Note

 * Elizabeth Jackson, Pascal's Wager for Christianity (PDF)

* Stephen D'Arcy, Frege's Ambiguous Legacy, a guest post at "Daily Nous"

* Leona Mollica, The Logic of Action and Control (PDF)

* Jason T. Eberl, Defining and Determining Human Death, at "APABlog"

* Adam Hogan, Leibniz Did Not State Leibniz's Law (PDF)

* Cynthia L. Haven, C. S. Lewis's advice to writers, at "The Book Haven" (Added Later: link corrected)

* Andreas Brekke Carlsson, Debt and Desert (PDF)

* Connie Goddard, Manual Training for All, at "The Front Porch Republic"

* Chris Dorst & Marc Lange, The Necessity of Accidents (PDF)

* Stella Sandford, Seeing plants anew, at "Aeon"

* Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez, Galileo's Ship and the Relativity Principle (PDF)

* Jonathan Marc Gribetz, The Origins of Anti-Zionism, at "Tablet"

* Miguel García-Valdecasas & Terrence W. Deacon, Origins of Biological Teleology: How Constraints Represent Ends (PDF)