Friday, November 08, 2024

Dashed Off XXV

 Every measurement involves a division of possibilities and an exclusion of some of those possibilities as divided.

Parents, having the primary duty to care for children, have the primary responsibility and power to take steps to ensure that they can fulfill that duty.

Every right establishes permissions, exemptions, and responsibilities. Every liberty establishes rights.

Law is an expression of the person and reflects the nature of the person.

The social ontology in which the eucharist is a memorial is a divine social ontology, not merely a human one, or even an ecclesiastical one.

the power of law as one of mhumanity's major survival capabilities

being -- creation -- life
truth -- illumination -- wisdom
goodness -- providence -- love
beauty -- culmination -- blessedness

life as higher-order power; power over powers

There is not a separate pactum for every sacrament, so what the pactum (Old Covenant / New Covenant) undergirds is a general sacramental efficacy, for minor and major sacraments alike, as occurring within the terms of the covenant.

Maintaining a memorial before the Lord is not a matter of reminding God but continuing to connect ourselves to what God remembers.

power -- power over power (life) -- epistemic power (light) -- deontic power (law)

Christ's giving of the keys to the apostles as a moral, jural, and sacral act

restoration of tradition
(1) education (commemoration, re-enactment)
(2) preservation practices
(3) scholarly reconstruction
(4) practical extrapolation
(5) salvage restoration
(6) reversal of destructive practices
(7) reservation for rewilding

Christian life as a study of the good

fraternitarian liberalism

the lay juror as a major contributor to the understanding of 'reasonable person' in law
-- what counts as reasonable under law has to be intelligibly consistent with what jurors take to be reasonable

In anything tha thas a genuine way it ought to be, it is impossible entirely to separate what it is and what it ought to be; this follows from the problem-solving character of 'ought'.

All social phenomena involve moral facts.

Every genuine rule of recognition will require that law be intelligible as law to a rational person, in order to be recognized as valid.

No legal system ever stops being based on custom.

It seems obvious that every legal system in actual use has multiple rules of recognition that are used in different contexts and coordinate only in imprecise and ever-changing ways.

Sovereignty is a matter of offices, and only indirectly of rules or habits.

Etiquette quite clearly contains secondary rules as much as law does.

As laws are for purposes, all laws have a basic dependency on their merit in fulfilling their purposes; law must at least be such that legislatures, executives, and courts regard it as having at least some merit for fulfilling its purposes.

Hart's positivism doesn't actually seem to be able to distinguish law and official etiquette (protocol); the conception his followers have of the latter is obviously defective, and everything Hart actually says about law apply with little modification to etiquette of officials.

Every known legal system has to accommodate legal entities older and more entrenched than itself.

law & the importance of contingent specifications of generic necessities

Rosmini's Theodicy & the desiderata for a legal system

Legal systems are often layers of systems.

knows vs presumptively knows (K -> T applies to first but not strictly to second)
'presumptively knows' as imply K if no defective causes

romantic attachment and the sense of novelty
-- this seems the kernel of truth in the adage 'opposites attract'

The means by which Judaism survived the first century we find already being formed centuries before they were required.

A world in which a rational being can exists is a rational world.

To say that testimony is insufficient to establish something is to say that reason is incapable of assessing it; testimony is communicated reason.

The research university model does not prioritize research but academic product; the connection of this product to research is entirely a matter of custom and social pressure.

Every particular truth is a symbol and sign of what is simple, immutable, and eternal.

Every particular truth expresses a general kind of goodness and beauty.

survivor's guilt as a byproduct of human withness and mutual investment, the co-personality of the human person

Dedication often approximates talent.

laws of nature as principles of natural classification (cp to best systems account)

Kant on freedom & dominion as an expression of the image of God

the basic lordliness of the human person

The power of the pawn is to organize the board.

Sloth often results in destructive repetitions.

King, priest, and prophet as reflecting aspects of the divine: sovereignty, sanctity, and providence.

We get the distinction between miracles & nonmiracles from testimony, not experience.

In philosophical inquiry, the obstacle is often the way.

Arguments using possibilities are always elimination arguments without strict and permanent elimination.

relief as an aesthetic response

stories & esp. movies as means of isolating out (relatively speaking) various combinations of aesthetic responses

A state must recognize the dignity of causality of the citizens it serves.

Our tool use is an extension of our sociality; we bring the physical world into our social circle.

Our power to repent is our power to die, in moral form.

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