* Matyáš Moravec, Ghosts among the philosophers, at "Aeon"
* Lillian Abadal, Challenging Aristotle's Privileged Virtue with Christ (PDF)
* Matthew J. Milliner, The Mary Underground, at "Comment"
* Brian Cutter, Three Roads from Sensory Awareness to Dualism (PDF)
* Andrew Latham, The Evolution of Papal Authority: Plenitudo Potestatis and Sovereignty in Medieval Canon Law, at "Medievalists.net"
* Baptiste Le Bihan, Emilia Margoni & Annica Vieser, Possibility in Physics (PDF)
* Parker Cotton, Other Worlds, Other Persons? Theological Encounters with Extraterrestrials in Early Modern Fiction, at "Journal of the History of Ideas Blog"
* Indrek Reiland, Recanati on Force, Mood, and Speech Acts (PDF)
* Henry Oliver, Evelyn Waugh's Decadent Redemption, at "Liberties"
* Rodrigo Gouvea, Departing from Searle in the metaphysics of institutions (PDF)
* Rob Alspaugh, Aquinas's Real Theory of Double Effect, at "Teaching Boys Badly"
* Claus A. Andersen, Decretum Concomitans. Bartolomeo Mastri on Divine Cognition and Free Will (PDF)
* Mikel Burley, Comparative Philosophy of Religion, at the SEP
* Jonathan Ichikawa, Consent Theory as Hermeneutical Injustice (PDF)
* Kelly Servick, Consciousness before birth? Imaging studies explore the possibility, at "Science"
* Philip Atkins, Impossible Objects and Other Anomalies (PDF)
* B. D. McClay, big fish, little fish, middle fish, at "Notebook"