Monday, January 25, 2021

Three Poem Re-Drafts

I Know Not How

I know not how the world was born,
yet born it was.
I know not how the veil is torn,
yet torn it is.
I know not how God gives His grace,
yet this He does.
I known not how moons formed in place,
and yet they are.
I known not how worlds can endure;
they travel still.
I known not how stars meet their fate,
and yet they will.

I known not how the mighty suns
that brightly shine
in burning vessels swiftly run
through space and time,

nor know I how your love has come
upon my heart,
nor how this is, nor how it ends
or even starts,
though yet it like a wind descends
to blaze like stars,

nor how it is that you can be,
and yet you are.

The Unicorn Rite Catholics
The Unicorn Rite Catholics sing their Mass,
lifting their voices to the God of creation,
singing the introit and collect of the day,
today, this day, that the Lord has made,
today, this day, on which they all hearken.
   There is healing in the horn,
   the light of sun and moon;
   but reverent or relevant,
   the Mass is finished soon.

Antiphons rise in a fountain of prayer,
glorias lift up in heartfelt rejoicing;
blessed like balm is the holy union,
like great grace their deep communion;
and every credo is hale and holy,
and every word bears the kiss of peace.
   Perhaps one day I'll see the shine
   of crystal catching star;
   perhaps in some oneiric time,
   or foreign country far.

Love's Madness

Three parts make up the kiss of love:
lips that press,
mixing breath,
union of the souls
with bond as grave and strong as death.
the lover and the loved,
are one
in gift of beating heart;
each to each gives person whole,
becomes for each
a living part.
Insuperable impulse,
blessed wound,
immutable act of ardent will,
burns away all lesser things
in peace
that pierces every shield I make;
O blow from single glance
that snares me
and my heart
O sacred glance
destroy the link
of flesh and soul:
O love that separates like death
undo the whole!
O peace destructive!
Severing bond!
O leap into the darkness bright
in endless radiance of light!
The heat of love
with reasons beyond reason's reach;
in my madness I understand
things that reason cannot teach.