Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Brightening Fresh Courage to the Hearts of Men

by Charles William Stubbs

My darling, that great Sun that just has set
Behind there in such rapture of pure light,
Still was above us that hour back when we met
Flaring in wonder of his full-orbed might,
Then the dark river was one glory of sun-gold,
Flooding its waters with light-beam's wealth untold,
And now Day darkens into Night. 

But, darling, that great Sun below there now
Knows not the darkness that he leaves behind,
Knows not the darkness of that hill's sad brow, 
Or if he knows it calls it not to mind:
But we feel its shadows low creeping o'er the land,
Oh, we feel its shadow and too clearly under stand,
As our Day darkens into Night. 

But, darling, that great Sun shall rise again,
Brightening we know the passion and the strife,
Bringing fresh courage to the hearts of men,
Bringing fresh duties to us, sweet wife.
That river is still flowing though its Sun be gone,
Our lives are worth living till the goal be won,
And full day broaden into Life.