* Jonathan Greig, Reason, Revelation, and Sceptical Argumentation in 12th to 14th century Byzantium (PDF)
* Rodger L. Jackson, The sense and sensibility of betrayal: discovering the meaning of treachery through Jane Austen (PDF)
* Max Skjonsburg, From Factions to Parties: The Eighteenth-Century Debate, at the JHI Blog.
* Joseph L. Clark, Acoustic Naturalism, at Aeon.
* Holly Brewer, Race and Enlightenment: The Story of a Slander, looks at misrepresentations of John Locke.
* Whitney Schwab & Simon Shogry, Epicureans and Stoics on the Rationality of Perception (PDF)
* Jordan Ellenberg, The Math of the Amazing Sandpile, at Nautilus. I remember in high school reading about studies of abelian 'sandpiles' and criticality; I'm surprised they aren't more commonly discussed in public venues, since they are in some ways as interesting as their more popular cousin, the Game of Life.
* Thomas A. C. Reyden, The proper role of history in evolutionary explanations