Friday, September 16, 2022

Dashed Off XXIII

 the fish of Tobit as a type of Christ, enlightening and driving away evil, preparing for a marriage

Even the genizah, yea, even the trash heap of the intellectual life is eventually of value.

filial piety -> ancestral rites -> doctrine of afterlife

agriculture // prayer
(cp Mishnah, Seeds)

probability axioms as diagrammatic
(1) A given A is a part in the diagram or it is not.
(2) The whole diagram is all the probability.
(3) Every part of the diagram is a sum of all its parts.

analogy to possibility
(1) Everything is at least part of what is possible or it is not.
(2) All the parts of what is possible are together the whole of what is possible.
(3) Every part of what is possible is the summative whole of all of its own parts.

The Analects envisions education as moments and patterns of conversation.

Different ends, different modalities.

Responding aptly to reasons is an inherently nondetermined action.

(1) In whatever has a task or action, the good seems to be in its task.
(2) There seems no principled reason why this would not also be true for man, if he has a task.
-- -- (a) It would be strange for particular states of human life to have tasks, but human life to have none that can unite them.
-- -- (b) Given that organs have tasks, it would make sense for the whole human being to have a task that unites them.
(3) This task cannot be mere living for that is not distinctively human.
(4) Nor can it be perceptual life, for the same reason.
(5) Therefore it must be of some practical life according to reason.
(6) A task is well performed when performed according to its proper excellence.
(7) Therefore the human good is the task that is excellent way proper to a rational life.

An individual who is in the Church, but largely only nominally, cultural  attachment, attending only occasionally, etc., is nonetheless in a much better position than one who is so purely nominally, even if they are otherwise similar, because, given an individual's dispositions, an environment affords possibilities of action and specific commitment.

Most of the problems with political parties and faction arise from the fact that they are noncommunities.

Fonseca: exemplar causality as passive imitation

"Things lower in being imitate those things that are higher insofar as they can." Aquinas (In I Cor)
"What is most perfect is exemplar of what is less perfect according to mode." (ST 3.56.1 ad 3)

fear of the Lord in Sirach
(a) the beginning of wisdom (1:14-15)
(b) the fullness of wisdom (1:16-17)
(c) the crown of wisdom (1:18-19)
(d) the root of wisdom (1:20)

Many discussions of free will shipwreck on failing to recognize nested, overlapping, and parallel free choices, all of which are quite common.

(1) As art builds on nature, a sign can be from both art and nature at the same time.
(2) As art can simulate nature, a sign can be such as to be either from art or from nature.
(3) Therefore the distinction of signs into natural and artificial is, despite its importance, extrinsic to the notion of a sign.

baptismal types (from Scriptural passages in Easter Vigil)
(1) Creation: Spirit in the waters
(2) Red Sea: salvation
(3) Ark: ecclesial
(4) Naaman: cleansing
(5) Baptism of Christ: adoption
(6) Jordan: orientation to heaven

instrumentally free choices: Principal agent A acts freely in such a way that instrumental agent B acts freely within end chosen by A. E.g., soldier freely choosing how to act within freely chosen orders by general.

positions as sets of possible momenta; momenta as sets of possible positions

It's always the amateurish versions of political philosophies that dominate.

acquired rights -> natural rights -> subsistent right (person) -> exemplar right (divine sovereignty)

existence proofs
-- (1) from the possible
-- -- (a) as a ground: What is possible in this way requires something actual in that way.
-- -- (b) as a consequence: Given this being possible in this way, it is a contradiction for there to be nothing actual in that way.
-- (2) from the actual
-- -- (a) as a cause: What is actual in this way guarantees that there would be something actual in that way.
-- -- (b) as an effect: Given this being actual in this way, there must have been something actual in that way.

A man becomes wise by being a fool many times.

the overflow of providence into the lesser

Contrary to what Wittgenstein often seems to suggest, solving a riddle does not consist in rethinking how words are used but putting their use in a broader appropriate intelligible context.

A better world is grown, not imposed.

civil theology and God as cause of unity between nature and culture

A just civil society must presuppose
(1) a moral order that encompasses and affects the natural order
(2) a value to human life exceeding what is obvious in a lifetime
(3) a higher law to which persons are individually, cooperatively, and collectively responsible
(4) a pure form to which the civil society tends

To predicate is to speak out more fully.

polytheism's deities as echoes of a destiny we implicitly know to be ours

An actuality/potentiality distinction is necessary in all application of mathematics to physical objects.

previous enclosure as a rhetorical strategy

the conformation and convergence aspects of community

voluntary association and the interwoven convergences of society

The central means of all extensive trade is the ledger.

the internet ecumenopolis

All constitutions are by their nature amendable; the only question is whether the constitution provides an explicit and orderly way to do it.

Solutions to the Einstein field equations with closed timelike curves are not "time travel" but recurrence or (in some cases) disjointed external time measurements.

Physicists often mean future-directed non-spacelike curves, as opposed to future directed timelike curves (chronology), when they talk about 'causality'.

(1) In every intelligibility there must be distinguished what is understood and its agreement with the principle of noncontradiction.
(2) All intelligibility presupposes some being. (That there be some intelligibility and no actuality is a contradiction.)
(3) Either the intelligible is intelligible insofar as it is itself actual or it is intelligible as depending on something actual (or both).

Every scientific advance has increased, not reduced, the number of philosophical questions and discussions.

Overpublication interferes with progress in most fields. The more there is, the more people rely on superficial signals of quality and stick to obvious discussion pieces.

Bureaucracies tend to collect insoluble problems.

Prior's interpretation of Moore's "naturalistic fallacy" is that it arises in confusing the coextensive with the cointensive -- assuming that when two terms describe the same objects they must attribute the same qualities.

In the liturgy, the Creed is recited in the person of the whole Church.

The view that Confucianism is 'secular' and 'this-worldly' arises from not reading the Classics, and therefore mistaking Confucius' and Mencius' restraint in the mode of teaching for the full content of their teaching itself.

judicial power as cooperative conscience

Sikhism as a return to the First: "O Nanak, call Him great; only God knows how great He is."

liberalism as spilled Protestantism

All are equal beneath brutality; equality without liberty is slavery, equality without fraternity is death.

"Death would not be called bad, O people, if one know how truly to die." Sri Guru Granth 579

the daffy dandelion and the dandy daffodil

All explanations originally take form within a story.

three forms of self-terminating procedure: resource lapse, error state, goal state

We simplify theories by: combinatorial review, translation, and rule manipulation.